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Virtual Reality and Beyond...

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I, recently presented a presentation at University on Virtual Reality and researching the topic, really brought a lot of things to question. It intrigued me all the information I found out for example did you know the actual term most people use to describe VR is relatively new. 'The term "virtual reality" was conceived by Jaron Lanier in 1987' . Shocking I never knew how in depth and long the development of VR had been going on for.

As we go about our everyday lives and take what comes at us we dont really notice the time that has been put in to things. Such as the planning and research

Virtual Reality can be defined as 'the use of computer technology to create a simulated environment. VR places the user inside an experience. Giving them an immersive new outlook in a setting or scenario'

Technology through the years has had major developments, from the 1st 3D film Power of Love in 1922. To the introduction of 360 filmed videos. Technology never fails to leave me amazed and second guessing if there really is a limit.

From the 19th - 20th early century filmmakers have been searching for ways to make their films more innovative. They were looking for ways for their work to be shown in a new dimension. Which this method has been adopted to this day filmmakers are always looking for the next experience to continue to immerse their audience in there work.

2016-2017 have been the major years to show us how far technology has come over the years. Virtual Reality has made huge developments, in order for the public to participate .

VR Headsets is the new trending piece of Technology to get a hold of. You can link with your mobile phone and from watching films to playing games. This technology has changed the experience forever !

Negative point is that this product can be quite expensive, due to its brand new coming out. It can range from £19.99 to £800. Difference in price being the quality of the brand that the customer buys, Which will make the experience better. (Google Analytics & PC Mag ,2017)

Virtual Reality is even giving gamer's a new founded experience to play a game. With big companies such as PlayStation, investing in this new piece of technology it definitely not something to be failing anytime soon.

Recently Resident Evil 7: Biohazard was released onto the new play station 4, giving viewers the opportunity to not only play in 2D mode but also VR mode. There has been a lot of buzz surrounding this game and introducing their headset really brought the VR headsets's to a new audience to gain clarity and knowledge on the new technology.

As Tyron said 'The possibility for self-reinvention even while returning to traditional definition of the human is present within games' (Tyron 2009,P.51)

Films are now incorporating different marketing strategies with the new forms of technology such as VR experience or even 360 video trailers.

Below I have attached the 360 Trailer called 'The Tarzan Experience' to promote the new film 'Legend of Tarzan'. Have a try and see what you think. Does it immersive you to want to watch more or do you feel this all over rated and not as a advertised?

What can we expect from the future......

Who knows but the only thing we do know is that technology can only go above and beyond !



  • Reinventing Cinema: Movies in the Age of Media Convergence, Chuck Tyron, 2009

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